About ORAG
Welcome to SRS Office of the Regional Auditor General
We exist to deliver reliable and objective information through our audit reports to support the Regional House of Peoples’ Representatives in carrying out its responsibilities, to strengthen the Region
About Us
The General Audit Office of the DDS is an independent government agency that conducts financial audits of local development agencies and offices.
We also conduct performance audits in local development agencies and offices to ensure that the results achieved are in accordance with the law and are economically implemented. We also conduct Special Audit, when necessary.
These offices include regional level, zonal level, city administration level and district level, while submitting the results to the investigated offices and the Parliament Office.
Office of the Auditor General, provides necessary advice to the Bureau of Finance and Economic Development in issuing directives for monetary, accounting, and property management.
We also prepare the necessary requirements and issues, renews, suspends, or revokes the certification licenses required by auditors and accountants who wish to work exclusively in their profession.
Our Services
Our professional and caring staff is dedicated to delivering only premium quality and comprehensive financial services. This is one of the highest priorities of our office.
A Regularity Audit is an independent, objective evaluation of an organization’s financial and compliance reporting
Performance Audit refers to an independent examination of a program, function, operation or the management
IT Auditing is a process which collects and evaluates evidence to determine whether information systems and related
An Environmental Audit is a management tool comprising systematic, documented, periodic and objective